Episode 063: 9 Simple Tweaks to Feng Shui Your Home



image credit: Anjie Cho

image credit: Anjie Cho

Feng shui is a very personal practice, and I’m a big advocate of working with a practitioner who resonates with you, but there are also basic feng shui adjustments each of us can make to bring more positive energy and harmony into our homes. This week, I’m sharing nine of my favorite little tweaks to feng shui your living space.

Try one or two (or all nine!) of these feng shui adjustments if you’re dipping a toe into feng shui, making small tweaks while you look for a consultant or just want to make a few changes to enhance your feng shui. These are simple tasks that can be done any time!

Thanks so much for listening to the Holistic Spaces Podcast brought to you by Mindful Design Feng Shui School!

Episode 055: Sound Healing with Julius Betila



Welcome to the final episode (for now) of the Holistic Spaces podcast. I am sad to put the podcast on hold, but hopefully we'll be back soon with new episodes. Please let us know if you'd like to hear more! 

For our last session, we're chatting with Julius Betila, a sound healing artist I met at a Kundalini yoga event. Julius graciously joins us and opens up around his sound healing journey, how sound relates to feng shui and science and how we can begin our own sound journeys. I'm very excited to chat with him about all his wonderful instruments! 

  • Julius's sound journey

  • Sound and energy vibration

  • Sound and the body

  • The heart and the mind

  • How sound connects to the heart

  • Using sound to cut through energy

  • Tingsha and other sound healing instruments

  • Shamanic dream journey

  • Sound to lift chi and find happiness

  • Opening up through sound

  • Space clearing and sound

  • Ways to start working with sound

  • Catching the breath

  • Colors as vibration and frequency

  • Electromagnetic signals and clarifying your message

I'm so grateful to Julius Betila for sharing his sound journey and insights with us. I loved the experience of his music and sounds, and I highly recommend attending a sound healing workshop or meditation near you if you're interested! I also want to thank each and every one of you for listening to the podcast for these last 55 episodes. Please do let us know if you miss the episodes, and we'll hopefully be back! 

Thanks so much for listening to the Holistic Spaces Podcast brought to you by Mindful Design Feng Shui School!

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A student of life, Julius Betila’s natural curiosity in science and technology led to spirituality and a deeper connection to the universe. He believes that Quantum Physics is the modern language of the mystics that we can use to bridge our inner and outer worlds. With a loving intention and sacred instruments like a gong, Himalayan bowls, drums, flutes, and chimes, Julius creates a meditative soundscape to promote a sense of well being by synchronizing the heart and brain. You can find more information at Www.soundhealingvibrations.com

Episode 039: Space Clearing with Feng Shui



Space Clearing with Sage.jpeg

This week's podcast is all about space clearing! If you've read the Holistic Spaces blog, you may know that space clearing is incredibly important in feng shui. There are many ways to clear your space, and each of them works just as well, but what's so important about clearing space before using feng shui adjustments?

Do you have any upcoming events or auspicious dates that may need space clearing? Try one of these methods or enlist the help of a feng shui expert and see if you can feel the difference in your space afterward!

If you have questions about space clearing or other green design or feng shui aspects, please let us know! You could even be featured in our Q&A Sunday series.

If you are interested in more private consultation or have urgent questions, check out our new 15-minute consultation call option. 

If you like the tips we share in the Holistic Spaces podcast, sign up for our newsletter to get even more insight on green design, feng shui and holistic living and check back next week when we discuss feng shui and new beginnings!